Concern in Mullaperiyar; the New York Times article is alarming.

By: 600011 On: Oct 8, 2023, 8:26 AM


Director of the Idukki Diocesan Media Commission, Fr. Jins Karakat requested that the governments of Kerala and Tamil Nadu reach out to the government on time because this is a matter impacting both states and that the central government intervene to protect the safety of people's lives and property. The New York Times reported on the vulnerability that dams face in the aftermath of the Libyan dam collapse. Mullaperiyar is one of the most dangerous dams in the world, according to the research. The New York Times describes the facts about the project, using a report completed by International Rivers, an organization that seeks to ensure the life of rivers and the rights of riverine populations. According to the assessment, the Mullaperiyar Dam is in a dangerous condition due to deterioration and age.