Forest fires are expected to rage in Alberta this winter.

By: 600011 On: Oct 10, 2023, 2:59 PM


Alberta's wildfire season should be over by the end of October. However, scientists predict that flames will continue in the province through the fall and winter seasons. As of Monday afternoon, 87 wildfires were blazing in Alberta. One of the high-level forest sections is currently considered out of control. Melissa Storey of Alberta Wildfire says there are now signs that wildfires that began in June will continue into the winter season. 

As stated in the story, most modern fires are caused by humans. Storey cautions visitors to protected woodland regions to be careful to thoroughly extinguish a campfire after starting one. More acreage was burned due to forest fires this year than in prior years. According to estimates, more than two million hectares had been burned. The latest large-scale forest fire occurred in 1981. That day, 1.3 million hectares were burned.