Canada's population is growing rapidly, with immigration playing a key role: Statistics Canada

By: 600011 On: Dec 20, 2023, 5:47 PM


Statistics Canada reports that Canada's population is growing rapidly. The report indicates that the country recorded an increase of more than 430,000 people in its population in the third quarter. In addition to Canadian citizens, immigration of permanent and temporary residents, international students, and foreign workers is driving population growth, Statistics Canada said.The federal agency says the population, including Canadian citizens and permanent residents, is 40,528,396 as of October 1, 2023.

There has been an increase of 430,635 people in the current population. A growth rate of 1.1 percent is recorded from July 1, 2023. This was the highest population growth in any quarter since the second quarter of 1957, when Canada's population grew by 1.2 percent. However, Canada's population at the time was only 16.7 million.Then the post-war baby boom birth rate and the influx of refugees following the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 fueled population growth.

A total of 1,030,378 people were added to the population in the first nine months of this year. According to the report, the country's population growth is mainly due to international migration. International migration accounts for 96 percent of population growth in the third quarter of 2023.Alberta has the fastest growing population. In the third quarter of 2023, the province recorded population growth above the national average of 1.3 percent. And Alberta was the only province to record an increase of 17,094 in the third quarter of 2023 in terms of interprovincial migration.