Covid has no seasonality four years later: cases continue to grow; Chief Public Health Officer issues a warning

By: 600011 On: Dec 22, 2023, 5:50 PM


In Canada, the season of RSV, influenza, and other respiratory infections is also seeing an increase in Covid-19 cases.Several provinces and territories, including Ontario and Quebec, are reporting an increase in Covid cases. According to Dr. Theresa Tam, Chief Public Health Officer.Tam explained that because to Covid's lack of seasonality, there is confusion and anxiety about immunization program design and vaccine administration timing.In the winter, diseases such as influenza and RSV become more prevalent. During this season, other respiratory infections have been observed. But there is no such season in Covid. It can fluctuate at any time. Furthermore, the virus has numerous variations.People may be urged to receive flu shots by the time the winter season arrives. Covid, on the other hand, is incapable of doing so. Tam, on the other hand, advised people to be cautious, take precautions, and get vaccinated.