Montreal police have developed a new strategy to combat vehicle theft.

By: 600011 On: Jan 6, 2024, 5:53 PM


The Montreal police department has developed a new strategy to combat vehicle theft in the province, particularly premium vehicles. A mobile application has been developed to assist in the recovery of a stolen automobile. This app allows the owner to find the vehicle.Authorities propose installing an OBD protector lock, which limits access to the vehicle's OBD (onboard diagnostic) connection and prevents theft by hacking the onboard computer, with the assistance of the Montreal Police (SPVM) and other police departments.The OBD port allows you to connect to the vehicle's on-board computer. 

It can be used by thieves to reprogram the vehicle's keys. To avoid this, the OBD lock system is utilized. An OBD lock will set you back roughly $200. Simply screw the lock over the port and the app will be installed in a matter of minutes. The thief will be unable to break the lock after it is installed.According to police, car thefts in Quebec have recently increased. Vehicle theft has increased by 90 percent between 2018 and 2022.