Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the 84th All India Presiding Officers Conference

By: 600011 On: Jan 28, 2024, 5:08 PM


Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday (January 27, 2024) addressed the 84th All India Presiding Officers' Conference at the Maharashtra Assembly premises in Mumbai through a video message. The Prime Minister said that this conference, which will be held right after the 75th Republic Day, has more significance. Speaking on the need to enhance the efficiency of legislatures, Modi said that in today's scenario where every representative is scrutinized by vigilant citizens, enhancing the efficiency of legislatures and committees is critical. The conduct of members of the legislature and the conducive atmosphere within it directly influences the productivity of the legislature, Prime Minister Modi said, recognizing the critical role of state governments and their legislatures in shaping India's progress. , asserted that the progress of the nation depends on the progress of our states.

Addressing the need to streamline laws, Modi highlighted the central government's efforts to repeal unnecessary laws. He said that the central government has repealed more than 2,000 laws which are detrimental to our system in the last decade. Modi said that this simplification of the justice system has eased the challenges faced by the common man and increased the comfort of life. Referring to the Nari Shakti Vandan initiative, Prime Minister Modi encouraged discussions on proposals aimed at increasing women's participation and representation. He said that efforts to empower women and increase their representation should be increased in committees in a country like India. Similarly, he emphasized the need to increase youth participation in committees.