Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Madhya Pradesh.

By: 600011 On: Feb 11, 2024, 3:07 PM


Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Madhya Pradesh today. He will inaugurate and lay the groundwork for several development projects worth 7,300 crores in Jabua. Modi's Aahar Anudan Yojana would distribute Aahar Anudan in monthly installments to about 2 lakh women beneficiaries. Under this initiative, women from various Madhya Pradesh tribes, particularly the deprived ones, will receive Rs.1500 per month for nutritious meals. He plans to provide 1.75 lakh Adhikar Abhilek (Deed of Rights) to SVAMITVA scheme recipients.

It provides people with documented proof of their land rights. The Prime Minister will give Rs 56 crore to 559 villages through the Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana. This funding will be used for a variety of development projects, including Anganwadi houses, fair shops, health centers, additional classrooms in schools, and roads.