More than a million people will rely on food banks in 2024: report

By: 600011 On: Mar 1, 2024, 2:34 PM


Food rescue charity Second Harvest expects more than one million people to rely on Canada's food banks this year. According to the Hungry for Change report, a food bank in the country needs more than $76,000 as demand increases. Corinna Carroll, executive director of the South Surrey White Rock Food Bank, explained that food shortages are proving to be a major challenge amid increasing demand. They say there has been a 32 percent increase in usage over last year. She added that new families and individuals are being registered every day.

The food bank he works for does not maintain a waitlist to distribute food. According to Carol, food distribution is done on demand. However, they hinted that as the number of people dependent on food banks is increasing, they may have to start rationing the available food.