Canada will face serious challenges in the years to come; RCMP alerted

By: 600011 On: Mar 11, 2024, 5:26 PM


According to an internal report prepared by the RCMP, the crises that are rocking national and international affairs in Canada will become more severe in the next few years and will seriously affect the federal government and the federal police force. Events such as Covid-19, supply chain issues and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have sent shockwaves across the globe.

According to the report, Canada has also been shaken by the problems on a global scale. The report notes that the situation is likely to worsen over the next five years as the early effects of climate change and a global recession exacerbate existing crises. The report was prepared by the RCMP's three-member Strategic Foresight and Methodology Team, which was formed in February 2022.

The report warns that geopolitical, economic, social, technological and environmental changes are complex and evolving. These can disrupt or disrupt law enforcement operations in unexpected ways. The report warns that small and large changes could lead to catastrophic changes in forces across the country.