Ban on Palestinian headscarves: Motion fails in Ontario Legislature

By: 600011 On: Apr 19, 2024, 4:40 PM


A unanimous motion to allow the keffi, the traditional Palestinian headscarf, to be worn in the Ontario legislature failed Thursday. The motion failed after House Speaker Ted Arnott banned the wearing of headscarves. The motion was introduced by NDP Leader Marit Stells.

In a statement Wednesday night, Premier Dugford called for the decision to be reversed. In a statement, he clarified that the ban on keffiyeh was announced only by the Speaker. Ford also said that he will not support the Speaker's decision to unnecessarily divide the people of the province. Meanwhile, Arnort explained that he made the right decision. Arnott commented that he feels the keffiyeh is worn to make a political statement.

According to the order, wearing of keffi in the assembly premises by members, staff and general public will be prohibited. MPPs who agreed with the Speaker's decision included Lisa McLeod and Robin Martin from the PC Party. But Stiles has written to the Speaker expressing his disappointment with the decision and requesting a reconsideration of the proposal.