UN General Assembly approves resolution on Palestinian statehood

By: 600011 On: May 11, 2024, 5:22 PM


New York: The UN General Assembly approved the resolution granting Palestine statehood. 143 countries voted in favor of the resolution in the General Assembly vote. Nine countries, including the United States and Israel, opposed the resolution. 25 countries abstained from voting. The resolution was prepared by the UAE, the current chairman of the UN Arab Group.

With the passage of the resolution, Palestine will gain more rights and privileges. It is considered as the first step towards full membership of Palestine in the United Nations. The General Assembly can grant full membership to a country only if it is approved by the UN Security Council.

At the same time, the resolution offers new diplomatic benefits to Palestine. They can now sit alphabetically among member states and speak at meetings of the General Assembly on any topic. Suggestions and amendments may also be submitted. With the passage of the resolution, Palestine will be able to participate in UN conferences and international meetings organized by the Assembly and other United Nations organizations. Palestine is currently a non-recognized observer state of the United Nations. This status was granted by the General Assembly in 2012.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas responded that the world stands with the Palestinian people. Efforts for permanent membership in the United Nations will continue. The resolution passed by a large majority is proof that the people of the world stand with the rights and freedom of the Palestinian people. He said that the world is against Israeli occupation.