Living in a supermarket for about a year; Young woman surprised in Michigan

By: 600011 On: May 13, 2024, 5:02 PM


A young woman has been living in a supermarket for about a year. An amazing thing happened last month. On April 23rd, employees at the Family Fair supermarket in Midland, Michigan found the woman living in the store's sign. The woman, who lives there, was found after an extension cord was found sticking out of the door leading to the store's sign, according to media reports.

They were surprised to see one living in a space between five feet and 15 feet. The place can be reached only from the roof. A ladder must be used to access the room.

The woman was found and informed to the police immediately. Police reached the spot and confirmed that the 34-year-old woman had been living here for about a year. The woman used to get electricity through a power cord plugged into an outlet on the roof, the media reported, quoting the police. Flooring done within the space. It had a printer, computer, coffee maker, and clothes. They also cooked food.

No further information has been released about the woman. Police warned the woman that she would face trespassing charges if she returned to the store, even though she was not facing criminal charges.