It is up to mothers whether or not to donate their baby's umbilical cord blood. In this matter, the parents of the baby are facing a very big dilemma. Health experts say it is a decision that can save a person's life. Susie Joron, Héma-Quebec Donor and Cord Blood Registry Manager, says currently 25 per cent of mothers come forward to donate their baby's umbilical cord blood. Health experts say that umbilical cord blood can help cure more than 80 cancers and diseases.
The process of donating blood is simple. McGill University Health Center Gynecology Department Director Dr. Richard Brown says.
To donate you must first sign up on the Héma-Québec website. Donors must be healthy women above 18 years of age. Must be pregnant with one baby other than twins. The consent form must be read and the registration form completed before the 36th week of pregnancy. The delivery must be in a hospital partnered with HEMA-Québec to donate blood. According to the Quebec Ministry of Health, six hospitals across the Greater Montreal area currently collaborate with HEMA-Québec.