Penalties for threatening government officials; Quebec Legislature approves new law

By: 600011 On: Jun 7, 2024, 5:37 PM


In Quebec, those who threaten or harass political activists or government officials will be fined up to $1,500. The Quebec legislature approved the new law. The new law was introduced in the context of the increasing number of resignations of elected officials, especially at the municipal level. The Coalition Avenir Quebec government approved the law, saying the law is needed to prevent violence and threats against politicians and government officials. But critics responded that the law threatened freedom of expression.

An organization representing Quebec municipalities reported that 74 percent of elected municipal workers had experienced harassment or intimidation. The government introduced the legislation after the release of a survey report indicating that 741 out of 8,000 people resigned after the province-wide elections in 2021.

In addition to fines, the law also allows for a restraining order in Superior Court against a citizen who threatens or harasses officers.