The newborn baby laughed, 32 teeth in the mouth! I want to know this situation, mom by sharing the video

By: 600011 On: Jul 24, 2024, 4:58 PM


How many baby smiles have we seen that melt the hearts of onlookers and who doesn't love the baby's gummy milky smile? But have you ever seen a newborn smile with a mouth full of teeth? If not, just watch this video with millions of views on social media.

Babies are usually born without teeth. At each stage of gradual growth, baby teeth erupt, fall out and replace new ones, and by the age of 21, 32 permanent teeth are usually present. But a video of a baby shared by a mother on Instagram is surprising the social media. The mother says her baby had 32 teeth at birth.

She says that she is making this video to raise awareness about this rare condition. This rare condition is called natal teeth. This is a condition where the baby is born with teeth. Through her video, the young woman aims to educate those who do not know about this. Although this condition does not cause any problems for the baby, it is likely to cause some difficulties for the mother while breastfeeding. Also, if the tooth breaks due to any reason, there is a possibility that it will go into the baby's mouth. More than three million people have seen this video. Many have also thanked the young woman for sharing her knowledge about the condition.