Miami: Hurricane Helen caused heavy damage in the US and the heavy rain that followed. The number of people who have died so far in the South-Eastern states has reached 162. More deaths are in North Carolina. 73 people lost their lives in North Carolina. 36 people lost their lives in South Carolina. 25 in Georgia, 17 in Florida and 10 in Tennessee. chu Two people died in Virginia.
Last day, 30 people lost their lives in the mountain town of Ashville. Helen Karatotta last Thursday in the Big Bend area of Florida. Th. Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee are affected by this. It was raining heavily in those places. Hurricane Helen, which blew at a speed of 225 km, has caused heavy damage in the US and the Department of Meteorology has warned that Hurricane Helen is passing by and that extreme caution is required.
According to the Meteorological Centers, Hurricane Helen will sweep about 1,287 kilometers across Florida, Georgia, parts of North Carolina and Tennessee. At least 56 people have died in Hurricane Helen, a Category 4 hurricane that wreaked havoc in the southeastern US. Reports also say that the death toll will increase in the coming days.