US researchers claim to have conducted 'communication through dreams' between two people

By: 600011 On: Oct 14, 2024, 5:04 PM



Researchers at California-based startup Remspace surprised the scientific world with a revelation the other day. Researchers at Remspace claimed that two individuals communicated through their dreams. The researchers claimed that two specially trained individuals had lucid dreams and communicated them to each other as a simple message. Researchers have come up with the claim that the concept seen in Hollywood science fiction movies has been implemented.

Meanwhile, the scientific world has not yet accepted Remspace's new research. But researchers at Remspace add that if their technology is approved, it could be a major milestone for sleep research. The researchers say their technology could be an asset to mental health treatment and skills training. A special type of dream state occurs when a person realizes that he is dreaming during sleep. Remspace claims that this consciousness helps them take self-regulated actions in their dreams instead of randomly interacting with their 'dream world' without any sense of control.

This phenomenon occurs during rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep), when dreams normally occur. Remspace had developed a device that tracked the brain waves and other biological data of experiment participants. The device also includes a 'server' that detects when participants enter lucid dreams. But reports say that the company has not revealed what this device is.