Landlord caught in e-transfer interception scam in Brampton

By: 600011 On: Nov 7, 2024, 2:31 PM



Landlord scammed by e-transfer interception in Brampton. Jai Walia, owner of two units, said the two e-transfers he was supposed to receive were blocked by fraudsters before they reached his account. The incident happened with tenants being asked to pay rent using e-transfers. The rent was paid for the month of September. $2000 and $2500 were paid by the tenants through e-transfer. Walia realized that the money was sent but not received in her bank account. Walia said that a subsequent investigation revealed that his e-mail account had been hacked and that he was a victim of the Interac e-transfer interception fraud.

Walia said that he does not use autodeposit and uses security issues instead. The criminals allegedly used Walia's e-mail to open a bank account and set up auto deposits. So the money sent to Walia was automatically going to the scammer's account. In the incident, one of Walia's tenants got a refund and paid the rent. But the crooks stole $2,000 from the second tenant.

To prevent Interac e-Transfer fraud, cyber experts say turn on AutoDeposit, which they say is safe and convenient. AutoDeposit helps protect against email fraud. This way it is possible to confirm that the transactions have been sent to the original recipient and that the money has been deposited without any security questions.