Manitoba government with new bill to ensure maximum penalties for drunk driving

By: 600011 On: Dec 7, 2024, 3:14 PM



The Manitoba government is moving to ensure tougher penalties for those who cause an accident or death by driving under the influence of intoxicants. The Manitoba government has introduced the Impaired Driving Bill in the Legislature to provide maximum penalties for such offenders. Drunk driving accounts for 10 per cent of crashes in the province, said Justice Minister Matt Wiebe.

Drivers convicted of two such offenses within the last 10 years will face a lifetime license suspension. First-time offenders are subject to a seven-year drink-driving ban. The bill was introduced on the last day of the current assembly session. Further discussion on the bill will take place in the next session starting on March 5. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) welcomed the bill. There was no legislation to prevent drunk driving. But MADD Canada president Tanya Hansen Pratt said the government's move to legislate is "very welcome."