15,500 people died waiting for specialist care in Canada

By: 600011 On: Jan 16, 2025, 1:59 PM



A total of 15,500 people died waiting for specialist care in Canada, according to a report. This is the figure from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024. The new figure was released by SecondStreet.org after reviewing requests under the Freedom of Information Act across the country.

28,077 patients died last year on health care waiting lists, which include everything from cancer treatment to cataract and heart surgeries to MRI scans. Despite paying high taxes, Canada's health sector is failing compared to Europe, which has better health care systems, said Harrison Fleming, director of legislative policy at SecondStreet.org. Second Street says the figures are incomplete because the provinces of Quebec, Alberta, and Newfoundland and Labrador do not accurately record data. SecondStreet.org also stated that Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia only provided data on patients who died while waiting for surgeries.